<% ' This needs to be global for the recursive function Dim objMiscRS ProcessForumPage True %> <% '== BEGIN MAIN ================================================================= Sub Main() Dim iActiveMessageId Dim iActiveForumId Dim objMessageRS 'Dim objMiscRS iActiveMessageId = Request.QueryString("mid") If IsNumeric(iActiveMessageId) Then iActiveMessageId = CInt(iActiveMessageId) Else iActiveMessageId = 0 End If Set objMessageRS = GetRecordset("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE message_id=" & iActiveMessageId & ";") If Not objMessageRS.EOF Then objMessageRS.MoveFirst 'For I = 0 to objMessageRS.Fields.Count - 1 ' WriteLine objMessageRS.Fields(I).Name & ": " ' WriteLine objMessageRS.Fields(I) & "
" 'Next iActiveForumId = objMessageRS.Fields("forum_id") %>
<% If IsNull(objMessageRS.Fields("message_author_email")) Then %> <% Else %> <% End If %>
Author:  <%= objMessageRS.Fields("message_author") %>
E-mail: not available"><%= objMessageRS.Fields("message_author_email") %>
Date:  <%= objMessageRS.Fields("message_timestamp") %>
Subject:  <%= Lineify(objMessageRS.Fields("message_subject")) %>
Message:  <%= Lineify(objMessageRS.Fields("message_body")) %>

&pid=<%= objMessageRS.Fields("message_id") %>&level=<%= objMessageRS.Fields("thread_level") + 1 %>&subject=<%= Server.URLEncode(objMessageRS.Fields("message_subject")) %>">Post a Reply

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<% Set objMiscRS = GetRecordset("SELECT * FROM forums WHERE forum_id=" & iActiveForumId & ";") If Not objMiscRS.EOF Then objMiscRS.MoveFirst ShowForumLine objMiscRS.Fields("forum_id"), "open", objMiscRS.Fields("forum_name"), objMiscRS.Fields("forum_description"), 0 End If objMiscRS.Close Set objMiscRS = Nothing Set objMiscRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") objMiscRS.CursorLocation = adUseClient objMiscRS.ActiveConnection = cnnForumDC objMiscRS.CursorType = adOpenStatic objMiscRS.LockType = adLockReadOnly objMiscRS.Open "SELECT * FROM messages WHERE thread_id=" & objMessageRS.Fields("thread_id").Value & " ORDER BY thread_parent;" objMiscRS.ActiveConnection = Nothing ShowChildren 0, 0, 0, iActiveMessageId objMiscRS.Close Set objMiscRS = Nothing Else WriteLine "Unable to locate that message!" & "
" End If objMessageRS.Close Set objMessageRS = Nothing End Sub 'Main '== END MAIN =================================================================== '== BEGIN SUBS & FUNCTIONS ===================================================== Sub ShowChildren(iParentId, iPreviousFilter, iCurrentLevel, iActiveMessageId) Dim iCurrentLocation objMiscRS.Filter = "thread_parent = " & iParentId If objMiscRS.RecordCount <> 0 Then If Not objMiscRS.BOF Then objMiscRS.MoveFirst Do While Not objMiscRS.EOF ShowMessageLine iCurrentLevel, objMiscRS.Fields("message_id"), objMiscRS.Fields("message_subject"), objMiscRS.Fields("message_author"), objMiscRS.Fields("message_author_email"), FormatTimestampDisplay(objMiscRS.Fields("message_timestamp")), 0, "message", iActiveMessageId iCurrentLocation = objMiscRS.AbsolutePosition 'Response.Write iCurrentLocation ShowChildren objMiscRS.Fields("message_id").Value, objMiscRS.Filter, iCurrentLevel + 1, iActiveMessageId 'Response.Write iCurrentLocation objMiscRS.AbsolutePosition = iCurrentLocation objMiscRS.MoveNext Loop End If objMiscRS.Filter = iPreviousFilter End Sub ' ShowChildren '== END SUBS & FUNCTIONS ======================================================= %>