Condor's version of the Youngblood boat designs
The TX-19 originally developed by Jim Youngblood was modified and
built by others. One such company that manufatured these boats for a number
of years was Condor. This company was begun by Ervin Capps and operated
over time by Ervin and Terry Favors.
Above are two examples of the Condor produced TX-19 style jetboat. They were
very popular and are still running the lakes today.

These are examples of the Condor built TX-18, 18' picklefork tunnel hull jetboat
that Jim Youngblood designed circa 1983 & 1984.
The Condor Custom Boat company was started by Ervin Capps, 108 W. Broadway,
in Drumright, Oklahoma in November of 1976. Ervin was the company official from
1976 until the company sold in December 1996. This company boat serial numbers
began with the CUY prefix. In December 1996 the boat molds from Condor Custom
Boats were sold to Condor Custom Performance Boats located at 212 S. Pennsylvania
in Drumright, OK. With Terry Favors at the helm. Favors operated the company, and
I think Capps continued employment at the facility, until April 2004. This company S/N
prefix on the Condor hulls began with KUY. During this time Favors also operated
the Sunset Beach Inc. boat company in Bernice, Oklahoma from April 2000 thru
February 2002. The name of the company at sometime changed from American
Condor to AMF Performance boats. These boats were manufactured with the S/N
prefix of AMF.
After Favors closed the Condor Custom Performance Boats in Drumright, OK, Capps
then opened a new performance boat company in late April located in Eureka Springs,
AR under the name of Phoenix Fiberglass. Ervin is producing several nice versions
of performance jetboats that include the 19' Cheyenne performance jetboat.
If you are looking for a new jetboat, give Ervin a call!
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